Implementing view only permissions in Django

- 4 mins

Django ships with a nice and easy to plug admin interface. Access to admin panel is managed through Django ACL(Access Control List) using permission which operates on per model. By default, Django comes with three types of permission namely add, change and delete.

This post is about implementing view only permissions in Django which are actually missing. View only permission come in handy when only view (or read-only) permission is required for a model.

The part can be split into major sub-parts. Firstly adding permission in a generic way. Secondly linking the corresponding read-only action with the permission

Let’s start with implementing permission. Permissions can be added for a model by using its Meta class. For example, to add permission to Book model, the following code can be used

from django.db import models
class Book(models.Model)
    name = models.CharField(max_lengt=100)
    class Meta:
        permissions = (
            ('CAN_VIEW_BOOK', 'Can View Book'),

This works nicely if we want to add permission for a single or 2–3 models. But our problem is we want to add this permission for all the models present in the project. Also, we want to make sure that whenever any new model is added, this permission should already get added for that model also. So how do we achieve this?

Well, Django is a mature framework and hence it already is shipped with such feature “Signals”. Signals are something like event emitters which happen whenever any event occurs. There are many signals, but right now we are only concerned with post_migrate. As the name indicates, post_migrate runs after the migration is run. Also, we can use post_model in a generic way, so that it applies to each and every model.

To receive a signal, we need to register a receiver function that gets called when the signal is sent by using the method.

from django.db.models.signals import post_migrate
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

def add_view_only_permission(sender, **kwargs):
    '''This creates a view only permission for sender'''
    for content_type in ContentType.objects.all():
        codename = 'can_view_%s' % content_type.model
        name = 'Can View %s' %
        if not Permission.objects.filter(


This code can be placed in any file, but it is mostly placed in the file, which gets loaded initially as signals to be cached also. There is a question on stackoverflow regarding the placement of signals in a project. As of now, I am placing it in **/**.

Summarizing, the above code will create a default view only permission for each and every model. post_migrate signal is emitted whenever migrations are run. One very important thing to note is that it only creates permission for a model in a generic way, not a view only permission.

Now comes the second part, wherein we will write our action corresponding to the above created permission. For this, we will be using ModelAdmin class, since we are dealing with the admin part.

There is a function called get_readonly_fields, get_list_display and submit_row which can be overridden and used to fit our use case. Code for ViewOnlyAdmin class will be as follows.

class ViewOnlyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    '''This class makes fields read only'''

    def _is_user_view_only_type(self, perm, request):
        return request.user.has_perm(str(perm)) and request.user.is_superuser

    def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
        class_name = self.__class__.__name__.replace('Admin', '').lower()
        for permission in request.user.get_all_permissions():
            head, sep, tail = permission.partition('.')
            perm = 'can_view_%s' % class_name

            if str(perm) == str(tail):
                if self._is_user_view_only_type(perm, request):
                    return flatten_fieldsets(self.declared_fieldsets)
                    return list(set(
                        [ for field in self.opts.local_fields] +
                        [ for field in self.opts.local_many_to_many]))
        return self.readonly_fields

    def get_list_display(self, request):
        list_display = super(ViewOnlyAdmin, self).get_list_display(request)

        app_label, model_name = self.opts.app_label.lower(), self.model._meta.object_name.lower()

        perm = '%s.can_view_%s' % (app_label, model_name)

        if self._is_user_view_only_type(perm, request):
            self.list_editable = ()
        return list_display

    @register.inclusion_tag('admin/submit_line.html', takes_context=True)
    def submit_row(context):
        ctx = original_submit_row(context)
        app_name = context['app_label']
        model_name = context['opts'].model_name

        for permission in context['request'].user.get_all_permissions():
            head, sep, tail = permission.partition('.')
            perm = 'can_view_%s' % model_name
            if str(perm) == str(tail):
                if (context['request'].user.has_perm(str(permission)) and
                       not context['request'].user.is_superuser):
                        'show_save_and_add_another' : False,
                        'show_save_and_continue'    : False,
                        'show_save'                 : False,
                        'show_save_as_new'          : False,
        return ctx

To use this class for your models, you need to extend your model’s admin class from this class.

from libs.admin import ViewOnlyAdmin
class BookAdmin(ViewOnlyAdmin):

To use this permission, one needs to assign two permission namely can_change and can_view for a model. This is because can_view is a negative permission and it only works if the can_change is present. So one can simply infer that can_view negates the change effect of can_change to turn every field into a read-only field.

The above code is one way of implementing view only permission in Django. I am sure there can be other interesting ways to implement it.

Taranjeet Singh

Taranjeet Singh

Engineer turned Product Manager

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